Canada 150 Tribute Album Highlights Canadian Songs [VIDEO]

Canada comes together with a special collection of 32 cover songs spearheaded by singer and recording artist, Eleanor McCain.  The New Brunswick native went above and beyond the call of duty to celebrate Canada 150 by involving 10 of the country's top symphony orchestras and featuring a number of guest artists.

"True North: The Canadian Songbook" pays tribute to Canadian writers and musicians from coast to coast, and spans decades of iconic Canadian music. The album includes hits such as Gordon Lightfoot's "If You Could Read My Mind," a new arrangement of Bryan Adams's "Run to You," and Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" to name a few. 

Click here for the complete list of songs, guest artists, photographers and arrangers.

Twenty-two photographers from coast to coast contributed for a glossy 220-page coffee-table book. Inside, you'll find a unique collection of shots revealing Canada's stunning landscape -- and Mc Cain too. One image reveals her paddling on the calm waters of  Algonquin Park while another has her donning an evening gown posing in a wheat field.

McCain wants to be clear, the tribute album is her "gift to Canada." She is the daughter of McCain Foods founder Wallace McCain, and stresses that she financed the project on her own.

Published on May 3, 2017  Eleanor McCain

The double album is produced by award-winning composer Don Breithaupt, and features guest artists of national and international repute. Accompanying the album is a 220-plus page hardcover book of landscape photography.

The deluxe hardcover edition, comprising of both English and French text, True North: The Canadian Songbook provides a 360-degree view of beloved Canadian classics. Sumptuous full-colour landscape photography from some of the country’s most prominent photographers complement each song along with song lyrics, exclusive commentary from Canadian songwriters, and behind-the-scenes photos by Greg Locke. And Eleanor McCain will also appear in photos by renowned portrait photographer and co-curator of the book V. Tony Hauser set in select locations from across Canada wearing dresses created by Canadian designers.

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