Peterborough Smoked Meat Sandwich Recipe

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Peterborough Smoked Meat Sandwich Recipe


For the Cure

  • 10 L water
  • 600 g Kosher salt
  • 20 g ground black pepper
  • 10 g ground coriander
  • 1 tablespoons pink salt (aka InstaCure, Prague Powder)
  • 400 g brown sugar
  • 6 bay leaf, crushed
  • 5 g ground cloves
  • 1 whole brisket, around 12-14 pounds, fat cap trimmed to ⅛-inch (preferably purchased from a local abattoir, like Otonabee Meat Packers)

For the rub

  • 45 g coarse salt
  • 45 g coarsely ground black pepper
  • 15 g ground coriander
  • 15 g paprika
  • 15 g garlic powder
  • 15 g onion powder
  • 5 g dill weed
  • 5 g ground mustard
  • 5 g celery seed
  • 5 g crushed red pepper
  • 2-3 fist-size chunks of medium smoking wood, such as oak or hickory
  • Type of fire: Indirect
  • Grill heat: Low


  1. To make the cure, mix together salt, pink salt, black pepper, coriander, sugar, bay leaf, cloves and water in a large stockpot. Bring to a boil, stirring often until the salt and sugar are dissolved completely.  Allow the cure to cool in the refrigerator before using.  Once the cure is cooled, submerge the entire brisket in the cure and place into a large food safe container (using a plate to weigh down the brisket, ensuring that it is completely submerged) –OR- use an extra-large resealable plastic Ziploc bag. Place the curing brisket into the refrigerator and allow it to cure for 7 days
  2. After 7 days, remove brisket from its container and wash as much cure off as possible under cold running water. Pat dry with paper towels.
  3. To make the rub, mix together coarse salt, black pepper, coriander, paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, dill weed, mustard, celery seed, and crushed red pepper in a small bowl. Coat entire brisket with the rub.
  4. Smoke at 200°F for 4 hours or until the internal temperature of the thickest part of the brisket reads 165 degrees.
  5. Transfer brisket to cutting board and let cool slightly. Slice and serve, preferably on rye (from a local bakery) with mustard.

Posted at by Kelly Jessup on June 1, 2016.

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